Weight belts
These days they're a common sight to see in gyms. Â From crossfit boxes, big chain gyms and liesure centres to bodybuilding gyms. So why...
How to get a better nights sleep 💤
Maybe you’re really busy and find yourself constantly cutting into your sleep time in an effort to catch up on life. Maybe you’re...
How to set out your Nutrition, a pyramid of importance
NUTRITION The first priority of any diet. Whether it be weight/muscle gain or fat loss. Getting the energy equation right is the main...
How to set up your nutrition part 2
I spoke about the importance of getting your energy balance right. The next thing to nail down is your ratio of macronutrients, and by...
How to set up your nutrition part 3
NUTRITION The first priority of any diet. Whether it be weight/muscle gain or fat loss. Getting the energy equation right is the main...
How to set up your nutrition part 4
Next on the pyramid of importance in relation to nutrition when previous levels have been nailed down is nutrient timing. For the general...
How to set up your nutrition part 5
Lastly and considered least important yet should always be considered are supplements. Supplements are exactly that! So many people...
Why you should avoid these drinks around meal time
First up is coffee, the reason to avoid this is due to its caffeine and its interaction within the body. when we consume caffeine it acts...
Why weight loss is never linear (consistent)
The graph above shows my recent fat loss progress. This is something I think is very important to see. Why isn't it a straight forward...