Why weight loss is never linear (consistent)
The graph above shows my recent fat loss progress. This is something I think is very important to see. Why isn't it a straight forward line showing constant weight loss? Well first of all I, as well as you am only human and with a busy and stressful life there is always going to be pitfalls and slip ups. No matter how consistent you are there are always going to be days that catch you unprepared and you have no option but to go off plan.
Secondly I will always promote a balanced lifestyle. Yes we all want to achieve our results but we all like to let our hair down from time to time. Have a few drinks, go out for a nice meal and socialise.
finally in terms of scale weight there can be many things that vary the readings. *Menstruation: Female menstrual cycles will cause weight fluctuations caused by several factors: Water Retention: The fluctuation in hormonal levels will cause edema and water retention. This can be influenced by bowel problems and a natural drop in progesterone during various parts of the cycle. PMS (Pre menstrual syndrome) is a good indicator that there is drop in progesterone and therefore relative increase in the ratio of estrogen. Reports have suggested that estrogen and progesterone play an important role in body fluid distribution. The elevated points of estrogen tend to increase plasma volume whilst progesterone lowers it. 7-9 This will also influence the movement of intra cellular fluid (ICF) and extra cellular fluid (ECF) across compartments. In some cases this can account for 1-3kg of weight flux and that ‘feeling fat’ aspect.Bloating: In some cases there can be an increased amount of gas in the intestines. This can be the cause of menstrual cramps and may influence the passage of waste through the bowel. Again causing a flux in total weight. Actual increase in food intake: The flux in hormones creates an alteration in metabolism and may trigger a food intake higher than usual. A decrease in serum magnesium levels may also influence this as it will lower insulin levels. The brain perceives a drop in glucose therefore increase demand.The metabolism shifts to manage these and is often little more than a few hundred calories. In many cases accommodating for this in the diet can help manage it. Excess Sodium intakeWhen people revert to the commonly defined ‘clean food’ style diets there is often a significant drop in the amount of sodium in someones diet. This is irrespective of a drop in calories. The kidneys regulate osmosis, the process that removes water from the bloodstream. They rely on a balance of sodium and potassium to do this properly. Being adequately hydrated although counter intuitive is one of the best ways of dealing with water retention. An excessive sodium intake would be more that 2300mg per day for the general populous and less than 1500mg in people of high risk groups. People over 50 years old, diabetics, those with high blood pressure or kidney issues.*
*information extracted from Phil Learney*